Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Health Care Reform Bill and The Constitution

Hello all,

As most of you already suspect, the United States Congress has vastly overstepped its bounds with the so called "Healthcare Reform" legislation that was just passed. This bill has several provisions that curtail the authority of the individual states to regulate healthcare within their jurisdictions.

This is not surprising since Congress routinely ignores the law while creating legislation, but it may have reached unprecedented levels with this particular bill. Since I am not an authority on Constitutional Law, I will defer to Judge Andrew Napolitano who IS an authority on the U.S. Constitution, to elucidate the areas in which this healthcare bill violates it's provisions.

Judge Napolitano's arguments are rooted both in an understanding of Constitutional law and a respect for our founding legal structure. Most modern Americans do not know or understand why adherence to the Constitution is critical for the prosperity and well being of our society. Our dumbed down educational system and warped societal values have embedded in our citizens the falsehoods of a government that has grown far in excess of what is necessary and prudent.

My hope is that Judge Napolitano's prediction is correct, and that this legislation will be invalidated either in part or in whole by the Supreme Court. This I feel will be a true test of whether the court actually is faithful to its role as the arbiter of Constitutional legitimacy or whether in fact partisan politics have indeed also infiltrated our nations highest court.

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