Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Defrauding the Citizens

You know we are entering a dangerous and difficult time for our country, when the President of the United States openly sides with foreign leaders in criticizing the laws of OUR country.

With members of Congress cheering Mexican president Phillipe Calderon as he berates the state of Arizona for having the audacity to enact a law to curb illegal immigration, we know our government is committing fraud against the American people.

Tom McClintock is spot on in this 5 minute speech. Its a shame that he is not cheered by his fellow Congressmen as Calderon was cheered when criticizing this country.

President Obama's handling of this issue is nothing less than a disgrace! Just when you think this administration can't get any worse, it sinks to a new low.

Securing our borders is one of the things the Federal government is tasked to do under our Constitution, and it blatantly refuses to enforce our immigration laws. This defrauds all of us as citizens, because our government refuses to to do its job, preferring instead to encourage by its inaction, the violation of our borders and thus our territorial sovereignty.

Saturday, May 15, 2010